Technical Specs:
- Equipped with ESU LokSound 5 decoder and DCC and DC layouts
- five-pole, skew-wound, high-torque, high-efficiency can motor
- helical gears with 14:1 ratio for smooth, ultra-quiet running
- Proto MAX™ metal knuckle couplers installed
- all-wheel drive and electrical pickup
- constant and directional LED lights
- correct size RP25 metal wheels
Product Details:
- fully assembled and factory finished
- formed wire grab irons and handrails
- photo-etched lift rings
- cab interior with seats and figures
- Road & era specific details include:
- -NEW upper triple (non-operating red), lower dual vertical sealed-beam headlights
- -NEW 21" cab wind deflectors (2)
- -brass Nathan five-chime air horn (all forward)
- -whip-style antenna with wire conduit
- -flush number boards
- -full skirts
- -passenger pilot with modeler applied doors
- -4-hose MU set at left
- -single MU box on left
- -photo-etched E8-style Farr air grilles
- -working backup light
- -single steam generator
- -winterization hatches with levers
- -square spark arrestors
- -roller bearing sideframes
- -speed recorder
- -automatic train stop shoe
