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OMI6761-1A CB&Q #501 EMD SD24, factory painted | Overland Models CONSIGNMENT Brass

Item #: OMI6761-1A  | HO Scale

Our Price: $790.00
OMI-6692-2 CN #1910 EMD GMD-1 'GRG-12n' l f/p | Overland Models CONSIGNMENT

Item #: OMI-6692-2  | HO Scale

Our Price: $795.00
Sale Price: $750.00
You Save $45.00!
D8 Dozer with narrow blade, f/p yellow | Overland Models CONSIGNMENT D8 Dozer with narrow blade, f/p yellow | Overland Models CONSIGNMENT

The Narrow Blade D8 Dozer from Overland Models is a nice additional to your maintenance of way scene. Pose it along the right of way or load it on a depressed center flat to transport to a remote section of your model railroad. Pewter construction...blade can raised or lowered

Our Price : $140.00
OMI-1913-1 NYC #223-242 Class P-2 Heavy Electric, f/p | Overland Models CONSIGNMENT

Item #: OMI-1913-1 | HO Scale

Our Price: $1,600.00
Sale Price: $1,495.00
You Save $105.00!
OMI7050-1A SRR EMD GP35 High Hood, f/p | Overland Models CONSIGNMENT

Item #: OMI7050-1A  | HO Scale

Our Price: $650.00
OMI7050-1B-ISSUES SRR #2697 EMD GP35 High Hood, f/p | Overland Models CONSIGNMENT

Item #: OMI7050-1B-ISSUES  | HO Scale

Our Price: $550.00